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Sister Lataunje Davis |
Brother Khrystus V. K. Wallace, President and Founder of Dare 2 Be Different International |
Watch ye, stand fast in the faith, quit you like men, be strong. (1 Corinthians 16:13 KJV)
God knew I needed some sought of immediate encouragement this time. I wanted someone to speak some empowerment and victory words over my life and just as I wished, so it was. Thank God for the Smartphone. These were not Smartphone Broadcasts though, they were messages meant directly for me. Just for me. God allowed some individual BB contacts to be thinking about me around the same time and send me well needed words of triumph.
(Panap) My phone went off. I checked it. "JESUS NEVER FAILS" in big bold letters. "How did you know I needed that reminder?" I said to myself
A few minutes after, Panap, it goes off again. This time the messages says, "What ever you're going through, know that God isn't punishing you, but merely opening your hands to receive something better. The will of God will never take you where the grace of God will not protect."
I was like whoaaaaa. . . . God is up to something!
I paused and prayed and requested some other contacts to pray at the same time too. I always try to remain in a spirit of EXPECTANCY - You just never know when God is going to show up and deliver, so we have to always be ready.
I continued what I was doing and later that night, my phone goes Panap again. This time it is a lady from our sister island Nevis who had just added my Whatsapp:1-869-661-0118 earlier in the week to say how much encouragement our Hope Devotionals were to her. She said she had been trying a long time to make some sought of contact but was unsuccessful.
Little did she know that God had set that up. Less than a week after, she would be helping me TOP UP my spirit. (Yes, preachers and teachers many times need encouragement and a spiritual injection of encouragement too.")
Her message asked, "How was your day?" My response, "A bit challenging." She didn't hesitate, she let me have it. "You made it! Stay Strong! Another one is ahead!" I smiled and I told her that that was a great topic for a devotional and I added it to my Devotional Outline Journal.
She wasn't done with me yet. She continued, "I'm just heading home from prayer meeting. It's so amazing how our lives could just take some sudden turns," she said. "But you know what, it's DESTINY! We've just got to STAY FOCUSED!"
It had all added up. God was doing things differently that night. He did the opposite. I'm usually quite occupied encouraging folks on my Smartphone many times and hearing them out as they share their struggles. He put me on pause and allowed some of my smartphone contacts to do the same to me.
After I realized that God had carried me through a TELEPHONE HOPE SESSION, I got aggressive with the enemy. I kept repeatedly saying, "I WILL MAKE IT." I started playing my first single titled, Don't Give Up - Hope's Ahead, over and over and over again.
I was filling up my Optimistic HOPE Tank.
I then remembered the Apostle Paul's words, Watch ye, stand fast in the faith, quit you like men, be strong. (1 Corinthians 16:13 KJV)
His words reminded me, and should remind us all that we should always be on the look out for the enemy's next move. He moves through co-workers, partners, friends, frenemies, church members, bosses etc. As we remain on the look out, we must aim to STAND FAST in FAITH on God's principles.
I love the way writers used the Old English. The term "Quit You Like Men, Be Strong," suggests that we are to BE BRAVE and COURAGEOUS all the time.
Once we develop that type of Optimistic Spirit and remain FOCUSED, we will definitely get the chance to GRASP the HOPE that lies ahead.
Hope's Ahead Indeed!
Are You Saved? Ar e you in a direct and personal relationship with GOD - not religion? Check your heart and see!!!
Brother Khrystus V. K. Wallace
Brother Khrystus V. K. Wallace
Dare 2 Be Different International
President & Founder - Since June 2008
Email: drkhrystus@kvklives.com
Whatsapp: 1-869-661-0118
Other Tel: 1-869-765-7270
SKYPE: kvkent